Parnassus Books Appearance-
With all the odd happenings in recent times, I suppose the initial stock delay of my new book release, Abandoned Tennessee Treasures should be of no surprise. It finally arrived, and thankfully I was able to land an author appearance event at Parnassus Books in Nashville. I of course appreciate their patience as my publisher worked to stock retailers and wholesalers. I began with an approximate 30 minute presentation with a photo slideshow and some insight and knowledge i gained about the featured locations, as well as personal experiences in my explorations. Also, my experiences behind the scenes researching, making contacts, and putting the book together.
Following the presentation, I opened up a Q&A to the audience, and then concluded with a signing featuring the new book. The shop still has copies in stock, I'd encourage you to shop local and support these great, dog friendly folks!! I was worried about ring rust, since it was my first live appearance in over two years because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but it was a huge success. I look forward to more author appearances. If you have any suggestions on venue, please let me know.